Hey, I was trying some custom mods, being one of them Realistic Nights:The only problem is that with that mod the water looks shiny white during nights, I made some research and found the 'Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB':The bad thing is that the patch didn't fix the white water at night, also I saw that the particle patch conflicted with a lot of the STEP mods. So I ended up removing realistic nights.But I was reading about the particle patch and it seems to do some very nice stuff, so I decided to put it on the very top of my load order to avoid conflict with other mods.So here is my question:Is it safe to use this particle patch? If thats so, where on my load order should I put it?should it be considered for future STEP - ENB users?
Although you can install the ENB Presets manually, it is more practical to use an ENB manager. Sroll down to see some tutorials and guides on this issue and to help you choose the ENB manager that best suits you. ENB Series is developed by Boris Vorontsov and is free to download.