Silent Hunter 4 Battle Of Midway

23.09.2019by admin
Silent Hunter 4 Battle Of Midway 6,0/10 1637 reviews
  1. Silent Hunter 4 Battle Of Midway Movie
  2. Battle Of Midway Horse

Page 6 of 7Planes and destroyer: the main threatThey are the main opponents in the game and can become a real nightmare in some conditions though they don't exactly pose the same problem. Planes will only attack if the submarine is surfaced or close to the surface (which means visible as a dark cigar underwater). Planes can be easily avoided by crash diving to a depth where they can't spot the submarine any longer. And since the submarine can be equipped with an air search radar at the very beginning of the war, the warning delay is long enough to dive without problem. However, planes can become a real threat if you're in a location where waters are shallow so you can't dive or not dive deep enough. When that happens the only thing is to rely on the sharp shooting ability of the guy you tasked with the handling of the AA gun.

Do you know how to pass a complex place in the game? A huge number of walkthrough games on video. 02064 1 SILENTHUNTER UK 16/02/07 12:43 Page 12 MISSION 1 - BATTLE OF MIDWAY, 1942 Briefing: This is our chance to turn the tide of the war in the Pacific. Using decoded Japanese transmissions, we have turned a trap intended for our carriers into one for the Japanese. Marriage in skyrim list.

Silent Hunter 4 Battle Of Midway Movie

And hope that you chose the best. Chances of destroying an aircraft this way depend on the type of the aircraft and the type of AA guns the submarine is equipped with, as well as the ability of your gunners. Note that you can take manual control of any of your AA guns (and of the deck gun as well) any time you want though in the AA guns case, that might not be the best option - if you chose the right guy for the job he will probably be much more accurate than you.Destroyers and sub chasers are a whole different problem. Because they are ships they can remain on station for several days and because they are sub hunters they can pose a real threat having enough depth charges to ruin the day of any unconscious skipper. However, Japanese destroyers crews unlike British crews didn't have an especially good training and due to the limitations imposed by the Japanese doctrine, it was hard for them to actually even find something to attack.

The credited number of US subs lost to Japanese defense was 42 (compared to the staggering almost 1000 German subs sunk by the allies). To give you more room to evade your enemies, and for the first time in the Silent Hunter series, the game even features thermoclines. A thermocline (called in the game “thermo layer”) is a depth under the sea where the temperature suddenly changes (not a lot, just 1 or 2 degrees Celsius). Without entering in a lot of technical considerations (that those of you who already played games like 688i or Dangerous Waters already know) this change in temperature also modifies the sound propagation properties effectively creating a barrier between the submarine and any ship trying to detect her.

The result if that the submarine becomes about 50% harder to detect. The problem with thermoclines is that their depth changes depending on your location and in some places you can’t even find any (particularly in waters not deep enough to offer one). Unlike modern subs that constantly know where the nearest thermocline is (launching a special buoy that slowly sink recording temperatures on its way down) in a WWII sub you’ll know you reach one only when your sonar station will report “Passing thermo-layer” because the sound they get from the ships on surface has been altered. Of course, that works both ways. Your submarine becomes much harder to detect, but the same goes for you regarding the enemy. Fortunately, warships generate much more noise than a submarine so you can still track them easily enough while at low speed with silence ordered on board, you are virtually invisible to them.But there's moreIf the hardened skipper wants another kind of challenge, he can always switch to the Pacific Fleet (Pearl Harbor ) where he will probably be tasked at some point with mission to infiltrate a Japanese harbor for a recon.

Shallow waters, destroyers patrolling narrow straits, sub chasers and gun boats all around not to mention the coastal artillery. Everything to please those who search for some tense moments. If you're lucky, they will send you to a rather unimportant and poorly guarded harbor.

Battle Of Midway Horse

Otherwise they will send you to Tokyo bay where you'll have the maximum chances to get your ass kicked, so to speak.In Quick Missions, you'll have to face some more challenges that are not featured in career mode because they would have been difficult to implement in a campaign without scripting it (although it would have been nice to see those challenges ported to campaign). For example you may be tasked with life guard missions in which you'll have to rescue downed pilots in the heat of a battle, which was a part of submarines duty.