Gears Of War 3 Sam

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The world of Gears of War has always known war. The largest was the war between the Coalition of Ordered Governments and the Union of Independent Republics, which lasted for nearly 80 years over the near unlimited energy resource of Imulsion. That war ended when the COG managed to snag the orbital laser weapon known as the Hammer of Dawn to lay waste to UIR cities, at which point treaties were signed and the COG became the largest form of government on Sera.

Unfortunately for them, the peace was short lived, as the Locust rose from the ground and wiped out most of the human population on what later became known as Emergence Day. To deny the Locust any advantages, the COG used the Hammers of Dawn for a scorched earth policy, leaving only Jacinto Plateau as the last stronghold against the underground monsters. Anyone not evacuated became known as the Stranded.A decade after E-Day, protagonist Marcus Fenix left his post at the Battle of Ephyra to save his father Adam, who was a lead researcher in studying the Locust.

He wasn’t able to save Adam, and was later court martialed and sentenced to 40 years in prison. Four years into that sentence, his childhood friend Dom Santiago comes to bust him out of prison to help him and Delta Squad deploy the Lightmass Bomb, which the COG believes can destroy the Locust.

But before they can do that, they need to find the Resonator, which will let them map out the underground Hollow that the Locust live in and was last in the possession of Alpha Squad. Led by Minh Young Kim, Delta Squad later acquires former Thrashball player Augustus Cole of Alpha Squad, who leads them to Alpha. No sooner than they reunite do the Locust show up, and Kim is killed by General RAAM.

After killing a Berserker, Marcus is promoted to Delta’s leader and leads Dom, Cole, and fellow Alpha survivor Damon Baird to a mining facility to deploy the Resonator.Unfortunately, it turns out that it can’t provide data on the entire Hollow, so Delta heads to Marcus’ childhood home, where the full data is in Adam’s lab. They managed to get the data, kill a particularly nasty Brumak, and hitch a ride on a train that’s holding the Lightmass Bomb. But first, they have to get through RAAM, who they successfully kill, and the Bomb hits the Hollow. The tunnel networks are destroyed, but Locust Queen Myrrah says that this is nothing but a setback, and vengeance is coming. Six months after deploying the Lightmass Bomb, Gears of War 2 begins, and things aren’t looking any better for the COG. Detonating the bomb has vaporized most of the Imulsion, creating a disease known as Rustlung that’s been known as a “horrible way to die.” To make things worse, cities are sinking in their complete entirety, forcing the COG to strike first with a full scale invasion. Marcus and Dom, along with rookie Ben Carmine (brother of Anthony from the first game), are successfully deployed into the Hollow.

For Gears of War 3 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Sam and Baird (slight spoilers)'.

The three later discover that the Locust, through the help of Skorge, the leader of the Kantus Monks, are sinking cities via a giant Riftworm. Later on, the trio reunites with Baird and Cole, but not before discovering that the Locust are taking prisoners and torturing them. Tai Kaliso, another member of Delta Squad, was captured by Skorge and suffered their torture, the result of which led him to commit suicide.Delta later winds up inside the Riftworm itself, whose parasitic insides kill Carmine. Fortunately, they kill the Riftworm via very chainsaw-based surgery.

Before they can shower and rest on their laurels, Command orders them to head to a facility in the Kadar Mountains that has information on a back entrance to the Hollow. The facility, headed up by a creepy AI, contains mutated creatures of unknown origin that get awakened and force Delta to shoot and saw into chunky pieces. With the information in their possession, Delta heads to the Mountains, at which point Marcus and Dom break off to find Dom’s missing wife, Maria, who he’s been searching for for years.

The torture has left her incredibly disfigured and unable to speak, so Dom tearfully euthanizes her.Marcus and Dom reunite with Baird and Cole, and the four of them manage to reach Myrrah’s chamber. She informs them that the Locust have been fighting against the Lambent, Locust infected by Imulsion. This whole time, they’ve been sinking cities out of desperation, and Myrrah’s next plan is to flood the Hollow in order to wipe them out. Following the death of Skorge, Delta makes it back to Jacinto in the middle of their evacuation with a plan to detonate a bomb to wipe out both types of Locust in one blow. Marcus and Dom use a Brumak to clear a path for the COG to place a bomb in the Hollow, but after the bomb is downed, opt to use the Lambent-infected Brumak instead. The detonation causes the flooding of both Jacinto and the Hollow, with the COG successfully evacuating as many people as they can.

In a post-credits moment, a transmission plays out, mournfully asking for help. That transmission is from none other than Adam Fenix. 18 months pass.

Gears of War 3 begins in the summer, with the COG having disbanded after establishing camp on the island of Vectes. Delta Squad–which by now, consists of Marcus, Dom, Cole, Baird, Anya Stroud, Sam Byrne, Jace Stratton, and Clayton Carmine–has taken refuge at sea via the CNV Sovereign, which works as well as expected.

Former Chairman Prescott arrives on the ship, handing a disc to Marcus that reveals that Adam is still alive and well. Spanish language for balabolka music. The Lambent launch an attack on the Sovereign, completely destroying it, but not before Delta manages to kill the giant Lambent fish tearing the carrier to pieces.

Before dying, Prescott gives Marcus an encryption to a disc in possession of Colonel Hoffman that reveals Adam’s location on the secret COG base of Azura.Delta Squad manages to make it to Hoffman at Anvil Gate, and after holding back a dual attack from Locust and Lambent, uncover the disc’s contents. Azura, as it turns out, is guarded by human-made hurricane generators, so the only way to get to the base is via submarine. Marcus, Dom, Anya, Sam, and Jace join up with Dizzy Wallin to find a submarine capable of the journey. Dom leads them to a town called Mercy that contains enough Imulsion to fuel the sub, at the same time discovering that humans are able to become Lambent as well. Dom sacrifices himself to save the others from the Lambent horde, forcing them to find Imulsion at the city of Char, run by Stranded leader Griffin.

Even though they encounter Myrrah, Delta gains the fuel and begins the trek to Azura.Upon arriving in Azura, in actuality a sanctuary and resort for Sera’s most elite individuals created in preparation for E-Day, Adam contacts them and reveals that he’s being held up at the main hotel tower. Marcus and crew are successful in shutting down the weather generator, allowing the Gears and the people of Gorasni to arrive and provide support. Cole and Baird join Marcus and Anya in making their way to Adam, who has a plan to stop the Lambent.

Myrrah attacks Delta, angrily informing them that Adam had tried to work something out with her and the Locust for 20 years and wants to stop him at all costs because his plan will also kill the Locust. (Adam also tried working with her to find a way to kill the Lambent without harming the Locust, but ran out of time.) They defeat her and activate Adam’s energy wave that’ll destroy any cell infected with Imulsion. Said cells also include Adam himself, who injected Imulsion into his bloodstream in order to study it. Adam crumbles into ash, and Marcus kills Myrrah after she gloats over the scientist’s death. The Lambent and Locust die all over Sera, and Marcus mourns losing both his father and best friend.

Anya reminds him of his father’s last words to live a real life, and the Gears look on at the sunset, finally at peace. Gears of War 4 takes place 25 years after Gears 3. All Imulsion has been destroyed, which also took out fossil fuels, forcing humanity to find new ways of survival. There are only hundreds of thousands of humans left on Sera, divided into the reformed COG, and the Outsiders who live outside of the walled off cities. The planet is also subject to powerful windstorms known as “Windflares” that get deadlier with each type.Instead of Marcus Fenix, players will take on the role of his and Anya’s son, JD.

A former COG soldier, JD and his friend Del Walker defected after an unexplained event that led to them living with the Outsiders. Their group of Outsiders is abducted late at night by something that looks a lot like the Locust, leaving only the two men and Kait Diaz remaining. The three decide to find Kait’s mom, along with discovering the origins of these new enemies known only as the Swarm. And also to reunite JD and Marcus for some father/son bonding. Because family.

.' Oh, I could gag him if you like. Be my treat.' — Sam, responding to 's remark about how won't stop talkingPrivate Samantha 'Sam' Byrne, also called ' duchashka' or ' lovely duchess' by the, was a female soldier that fought in during the and the. She was the daughter of a liaison to the and a. Sam grew up in, but eventually lived in Tyrus where she joined the COG army and became a member of the.When the collapsed and was forced to abandon, Sam chose to go on the as part of the rapid response force that could assist several different settlements the COG remnants had set up. She participated in scavenging missions to the mainland, including the, and was part of the force that assaulted to end the threat of the and for good.

Contents Biography Early lifeSam was the daughter of Sgt., a, and, who was of origins and liaison for the at the garrison in,. Her father was killed during the, despite being given a chance to flee with his pregnant wife. This left Sheraya to raise Sam alone, and as she grew up, she would tell Sam stories about how Anvegad burned during the siege. During the last years of the, life in Anvegad was difficult, and Sam and the other townspeople faced food shortages. Vectes and the Stranded Insurgency Off Duty at the Bar ' Come on, Baird. Don't be an antisocial dick all your life. Take a day off.'

— Sam, trying to convince Baird to enjoy himself with her and some other GearsFifteen years after, Sam was a like her father, fighting on the frontlines against the. After the COG moved to the island of, Sam was assigned to an commanded by Major due to her expertise in explosives. While off duty, she drank with CPO at the at, where he taught her how to play navy chess.

She tried to get Cpl. To join in, but he refused. Sam then returned to playing the chess game, which used shot glasses with either moonshine or rum in them as pieces, and drinking whenever a piece was taken.

Battle of Vectes ' See? He's not dead.' — Sam, to Marcus Fenix after ramming a Stranded with her Rat bikeShortly after this, Sam went on patrol on a. She discovered tracks and an explosive device north of the hydro plant, and could tell it was remote detonated, meaning that were nearby, and worked out the position they had taken in the tree line.

She called this in to Lt. And Sgt., and they arranged to ambush the Stranded with the help of. However, Anya and Bernie's was hit by another roadside bomb, and they were unable to help Sam and Echo. Sam commed them and told them they were in position, and were preparing to launch the attack. Unfortunately, the Stranded managed to escape, but Sam was able to disarm the bomb and salvage the materials. A few hours later, the Stranded had set off of their own.

Sgt., Bernie, and Baird were pursuing a group of Stranded on foot with the help of, a hunting dog,. Sam offered her assistance to them, and headed to her position on her Rat-bike. The Raven gave her directions to the Stranded, but by the time she reached them, Delta had already engaged them. Sam ended the battle by ramming the last standing with her bike, knocking him to the ground and injuring him badly. She then jumped off the bike and pressed her to the guys throat just in case he was able to move and tried to shoot the Gears. Marcus was annoyed with Sam, since they were supposed to take the Stranded alive, but she confirmed that she had not killed the target.

She helped the rest of the squad load the three Stranded they had captured into the Raven, and headed back to. Patrolling the Sea ' Corporal Baird likes hospital food. And you'll learn to like it if you check me out one more time, Indie boy.'

Gears Of War Anya

— Sam, to a Gorasni sailor when he doesn't look at her at eye levelThree days later, Sam went with Baird, Muller, and Cpl. Aboard the, an patrol boat, to guard the fishing trawlers from.

Gears of war 4 sam skins

Sam was nervous about going on the boat, but Baird told her not to worry. Once they boarded, Baird introduced her as being there to clean and cook, which hurt Sam's feelings, but she tried not to let Baird see that. She threatened the Gorasni sailors to stop checking her out or else they would end up in the hospital, which quickly earned Sam their respect. She then took up position on a mounted gun on the foredeck, where she briefly talked with Dom as the ship got underway.

She remained on the gun all morning, until one of the trawlers, the,. No Stranded were detected on the radar, and Baird worried it may have been a mine. Sam had Dom take over on the gun since she was the ordnance expert, and got into a with Baird to check out the remains of the ship. She determined by the debris that it hadn't been a mine, which made her and Baird even more worried about what it was. After they returned to the Amirale Enka, Sam went back to manning the gun, and watched as Baird sorted through the wreckage they had recovered for a clue as to what had happened. She joined Dom in discussing with Captain what had happened to the ship, and she doubted it was as Dom hoped.

Sam told him the Locust couldn't cross the ocean in their and that they would have seen or detected any. Michaelson agreed with her assessment, but told her that he was not ruling anything out. Keeping the Peace ' Come on, Diz.

Let's go and have a glass of your vintage kidney-killer. I'm choosy who I drink with.'

— Sam, comforting Dizzy after he was attacked by Jacinto citizensMarcus then contacted Sam and Dom, and asked for help in dealing with a crowd from Pelruan that was growing agitated over the Levantos destruction. They found and Col.

And a line of other Gears trying to defuse the crowd and stop them from entering the Stranded community in that had been given amnesty. They were unsuccessful, and Sam began maneuvering to get a clear shot at any member of the crowd who turned violent.

Luckily, Marcus managed to get them to disperse when he told them that Stranded had not sunk the ship, and made them understand that there was another unknown threat out there. The crowd dispersed, and Sam complimented Marcus on doing a good job dealing with them. However, there was already more trouble starting near the Stranded ghetto.

Sam and the others found Pvt. Trying to keep the peace between some Stranded and Gorasni, while some of Jacinto's citizens watched.

However, a brawl erupted, and the New Jacinto citizens attacked Dizzy. Marcus cannoned into the brawl to separate everyone, and Sam was punched in the face by a Stranded woman while trying to help him by pushing the Stranded back. The fight ended when Sam, Marcus, and Dom had each pinned a separate fight from each group down. Dizzy yelled at the Jacinto citizens, appalled that they did not consider him one of them despite fighting for them. As the ashamed citizens walked away, Sam went up to Dizzy and asked him follow her to the bar so they could get drunk and forget about the civilians. Lambent Pandemic Back at Sea and Patroling the Stranded Shanty Town ' I think they've done a good job.

I've lived in worse.' — Sam, as Delta patroled the Stranded shanty town in New JacintoThe next day, Sam went back out with Dom on the smallest fishing trawler, M70, with the rest of Delta divided up on several other ships. During the trip, the ship that Marcus and Bernie were on, the, hauled up a creature. They and the crew were forced to evacuate the boat, and the ship was when the Lambent exploded. After they returned to VNB, they found Reid waiting for them on the pier. He ordered Marcus and Bernie to be debriefed, and ordered Baird to take Sam, Cole, and Dom on patrol. As they walked through the Stranded's living area, Sam noted that it wasn't as bad as some of the places she had lived in, and asked Baird what was in the center of the island.

He told her it was a dead volcano, with a lot of forest and caves on it. Soon after this, a truck of Gorasni soldiers arrived, and Sam readied her Lancer commented that if they started throwing candy to the crowd, she was going to swear off drinking.

They were shocked when the Gorasni dumped off the bodies of Insurgents they had killed in a recent. Sam and Cole quickly blocked the Stranded crowd off from the Gorasni, as Baird tried to convince the Gorasni commander, to leave. A crowd of Jacinto citizens also appeared to watch what was happening, and Sam tried to get them to go back inside to prevent anything else from happening. The squad stayed there until the Stranded had taken the bodies away, in order to make sure no more violence erupted. Battle of the Emerald Spar Platform ' How are we going to know if we're near a vapor leak? This whole place smells of imulsion.'

— Sam, worrying about blowing up the Emerald Spar platform while fighting the LambentA few days later, were spotted heading towards the. Sam was one of twenty Gears sent on three to the platform's defenders.

Gears of war 3 samantha

After arriving, she swapped ammo with Cpl. Once the battle began, Sam went with Baird and Cole into the lower decks of the platform, and found a door where a bunch of Lambent were trying to break through. They planned to ambush them, but Sam was worried what would happen if they set off something explosive. Baird told her it didn't matter, that if they didn't shoot the Polyps, they would kill them and set something explosive off themselves. They opened the hatch and fired into the mass of Polyps. When they couldn't see anymore, Sam peeked around the corner and shot a couple more, and told the other two they were clear. They began clearing corridor after corridor of an endless number of Polyps.

As they fought, the platform suffered more and more damage, with the Polyps explosions destroying bulkhead and bridges, and also setting off fires and igniting. After assisting in fighting a group of Polyps, Sam was contacted by Marcus and told to ask Baird how many Polyps the Stalks carried, but Baird was unable to figure it out. Managed to destroy the first Stalk, but another emerged and began pouring more Polyps onto the platform, and the Sam, Baird, and Cole continued to clear corridors. They eventually had to abandon the platform when it began to take too much damage, and Sam escaped with the rest of the Gears and many of the crew aboard an evacuation boat.Sam redoing Dom's tattoo of Maria into an angel. Calm Before the Storm ' No, you don't.

That's for making my day.' — Sam, to Dom after he told he owed her for modifying his tattoo of Maria into an angelThe next day, Sam was patrolling Vectes on her Rat-bike, and offered to pick Bernie up after she three Stranded insurgents, but Bernie refused the ride. A few days later, Sam was taking a break and drinking with Dizzy in the mess hall when Dom arrived, and asked her if she could modify his tattoo of a heart with 's name in it. She was interested in the challenge and agreed to do it. Sam gathered her tattooing supplies and met Dom in a storeroom at the barracks in order to prevent anyone from stumbling upon them. Dom told her that he wasn't sure on what he wanted done, but just wanted something to mark that Maria was gone.

Sam understood, and after staring at the tattoo for a moment, asked him if he trusted her. Dom said he did, so she began working on transforming the tattoo. When she finished, it had become an angel cradling Maria's name, and Dom was overcome with how perfect it was. As Sam began walking away, Dom told her he owed her, but she told him he didn't, and that doing that for him had made her day. Deployed to Pelruan ' Banished to the soft option.

With the rest of you girls.' — Sam, to Rossi after he asked why she and Bernie were in PelruanAfter a suspected was spotted heading toward Vectes, Sam was sent to Pelruan with Bernie, both of whom were annoyed at being sent to the 'soft option'. She rode her Rat-bike to the town, following Bernie, who was in a Packhorse with her dog Mac. They stopped outside of the barracks and reported to Anya, who had been placed in charge of the in the town.

Sam walked with Bernie through the town, taking notice of all of the wooden houses. She remarked how that the city would burn if it came under attack, and told Bernie about how her mom had told her about how the wooden houses of Anvegad burned during the Siege of Anvil Gate. They walked past a memorial, where she and Bernie stopped to pay their respects. Sam noticed a card on a wreath lay near the memorial, and saw that it was from survivors of the, many of whom lived in Pelruan and had fought the Gorasni. Sam remarked that the Pelruan citizens would never get along with the Gorasni, and Bernie agreed. As they continued walking, Sam asked Bernie if there was anyone specifically that she had lost to the war, and Bernie remarked that she was lucky, and that no ones face kept her up at night.

After dropping Mac off at 's, Sam and Bernie headed to the. They found Sgt. There, and he sent them to an observation post on the western cliffs of the town.

While up there, Sam monitored the local comm network, and was disturbed by the view, noting that if she looked out at the sea a certain way, it made it seem like there was nothing else left on Sera. Sam kept an eye out with binoculars, and then spotted a large creature surface briefly.

She handed the binoculars to Bernie, and pointed out where she had seen the movement. They both then saw it, and realized it was the Leviathan. Sam quickly contacted Anya and informed her about it. Battle of Pelruan ' I always wanted my own meat shield.' — Sam, to Yanik, after he offered his life for hers jokinglySam and Bernie headed back down to the town, when they suddenly saw the Leviathan in the harbor, and Sam informed Control, who decided to send a King Raven.

Sam and Bernie then discovered the Leviathan was, and saw it begin sending Polyps ashore. Sam and Bernie began attacking them, and were soon joined by Anya, Rossi, and other Gears. Arrived to support them, but it was destroyed by the Leviathan. Sam and the others killed the Polyps that had come ashore, and the Leviathan disappeared. Sam kept an eye out for it, and reported to the others when it returned. When Gorasni reinforcements arrived, Sam worried about them and the locals trying to kill each other., a Gorasni squad leader who had taken a liking to Sam, arrived and joked to Sam that his life was hers.

Sam, amused, told him that she had always wanted a meatshield, and asked if there were really only eight of them as reinforcements. Yanik told her eight Gorasni were worth twenty COG, which Sam didn't believe, but she did thank him for coming. She then warned him to stay away from the Pelruan veterans, since they hated the Gorasni. Sam retrieved her Rat-bike, and joined Anya behind some cover as night fell. She remarked that it would be easy to shoot the Polyps since they glowed, and Bernie arrive in her Packhorse and remarked it was time to have that girls night out that they didn't when she and Anya had been hit by a mine. Sam agreed, and set off on her bike, steering one handed, racing around the Polyp positions firing her Lancer, while Bernie and Anya did the same in the Packhorse. Eventually, managed to kill the Leviathan, preventing more Polyps from getting ashore.

The Gears then scouted around the town, killing any remaining Polyps, ending the battle. Sam drove her Rat-bike to the beach, meeting up with the other defenders. Sam and Bernie headed to Berenz's house, and Sam was slightly disappointed that Mac did not greet them in celebration. She said goodnight to Bernie, and then went to sleep.

She returned to VNB the next day on her Rat-bike, cutting through the woods in order to get there and begin helping in the cleanup. Hoffman's Revelation ' I hate myself. All I could think at first was that he left me and Mum to stay with his mates. But I'm a Gear. I know it's not that simple.' — Sam to Dizzy, after Hoffman told her how her father had chosen to stay behind at Anvil GateTen days after the Lambent attack, Sam was working in with Dizzy, repairing her rat-bike while he worked on his, '.

She told Dizzy about seeing Baird working in his private workshop, which was an old bathroom stall he had converted. Both of them found it hilarious that Baird was working in a bathroom, and Dizzy wanted to go see him there. Sam told him Baird was on patrol that morning, and that they could borrow a camera from Lt. And take pictures of Baird working there later that night, and hold a caption contest among the other Gears. Dizzy wondered what he was working on in there, and Sam said she thought Hoffman had given him something to fix, as well as trying to keep working.

As they carried on working on their vehicles, Sam remarked that she was glad Baird was such an asshole, because she needed an outlet to focus all her frustrations on. Several minutes later, Hoffman arrived and asked Sam if she could spare a few minutes. She said she could, and Hoffman took her outside, where he revealed to her how her father had died at Anvil Gate, and that he had had an opportunity to leave with Sam's mother, but chose not to take it because he felt he would have been abandoning his comrades. Sam was upset, and as she reentered the Boathouse, Dizzy asked her what was wrong. She told him, and began working on the rat-bike again, but not really paying attention to what she was doing.

Sam told Dizzy that she hated herself for thinking that her dad had abandoned them to fight, but knew it wasn't as simple as that. Dizzy said that her dad must have been sure they wouldn't have made it out of there if the Indies had won, just as he had been sure his daughters would die if he hadn't joined the COG, and that fathers would do a lot of crazy things to make sure their kids survived. Sam thanked him for his support, and told him that she would be okay. Guarding Dizzy ' Diz, this is my job.

I'm not Maralin, okay? I'm a bloody Gear.' — Sam to Dizzy, when he tried to stop her from fighting the polypsSeveral days later, Sam was assigned to guard Dizzy and his rig as it traveled to a newly discovered around a stalk to help the Gorasni rig crew set up a way to extract the Imulsion. Dizzy's daughters, and, wanted to come with them since they had been stuck in camp for weeks, but Dizzy said it wasn't going to be that interesting.