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We really like this Southern Japan native. Kaede's unique name is a testament to her Kyushu roots, where people are a little more friendly, open and wild than the folks up north in Tokyo. And you like Kaede, too. Her most recent releases consistently get high ranks from viewers. Kaede has a great body and a face that says 'rock and roll'. Even in her debut it was no doubt that Kaede Matsushita was a name to remember. Part of Kaede's appeal is that she really boxes the compass on satisfying almost every fetish out there.
She doesn't do real hardcore, but pretty damn close. We dare you to look and not find a (legal) fetish that Kaede hasn't attempted. Lesbian, body part focus, Waitress, Teacher, Doll, M, Leggy. We're going to run out of space here. Let's take a look at some of her most popular titles.
Also released during her time with Alice Japan was the July 2006 video and game Kaede Matsushima Cosplay Sexy Yakyuken, a striptease version of “yakyuken” or “rock-paper-scissors” where she removes an article of clothing whenever the player wins.The title was released in UMD format for the SonyPSP by Gebet.
The rock and roll starts right at the start, and Kaede's debut movie, 'Virgin Love', is a winner. During an interview in the movie the 19-year-old Kaede says she entered JAV because it was 'not something I can do later in life.'
Well, she is still at it, but we are glad she started when she did. In a newer title, and one of her most popular, Kaede really crunches numbers in 'Next Stage' she has two solo scenes, and a bunch of sex scenes showing off her skills from her mouth to her feet. 'Double Erostyle' is more of a 2-on-1 movie than a lesbian flick, but Kaede and Nene Fujimori really have a blast servicing a variety of men in a variety of get-ups and situations.
Look out for one of Kaede's famous titty-fucks in this one.
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