Portal Test Chamber 15

27.10.2019by admin
Portal Test Chamber 15 8,0/10 9788 reviews
  1. Portal Test Chamber 15 Advanced
  2. Test Chamber 15 Portal Secret Room
  3. Portal 2 Chapter 3 Test Chamber 15

.Wheatley Test Chamber 01So we are back in the newer part of the the Aperture Science Labs. Go through the door and follow the walkway until you are in this small control room above thetest chamber. Wheatley is babbeling something, he probably desperately and most of all unsuccessfully triesto teach the crippled cubes some tricks.

You need to get past the large, incandescent particle field that blocks off the opposite half of the room. However, you cannot simply shoot a portal through the particle field. How do I get past the turrets at the beginning of test chamber 15, chapter 3. Ask Question 6. I stood by the portal and noticed that despite looking like the bridge is keeping you from using it, you still have half a usable portal. How to obtain my cubicle in test chamber 15 of chapter 3?

But this is not that interesting for you, so turn away from the huge chamber and shoot a portal through the smallopening in the wall behind you and another portal into the control room to jump through and land on another crate walkway outside of the test chambers. Followthis walkway until you finally are inside the testchamber. Get one of the broken cubes and put them onto the red switch on the ground. But somehow the exit isblocked now. After Wheatley and GLaDOS are done with talking about paradoxes Wheatley opens the door for you. Artificial Intelligences talking about paradoxes isa bit paradox in itself, but nevermind.Now we enter the first test chamber that our old favourite idiot Wheatley designed all by himself.

And it's just as stupidly easy as you could expect. Push thebutton and the Weighted Companion Cube will fall out of the cube dispenser and land on the red switch on the ground and this will open the door already.But you can also refuse to do anything and just wait and listen to Wheatley go crazy.Portal over to theswitch and exit through the giftshop, no, through the exit.But Wheatley is not only stupid but also lazy, so he makes you solve this chamber again. Do the same as you did just seconds agoand then you can exit to an elevator tomore of Wheatley's test chambers.Test Chamber 01Again chamber number 01, but this time it's more interesting than the last Chamber 01. The transport beams are introduced in this chamber.If you jump into these beam you aretransported to the direction the beam moves to.Jump into the beam right now and travel up one level.Jump out of the beam once you are upstairs and shoot a portal to the place where the beam hits the ceiling.

Shoot another portal to a wall here,so that the beam aims at the crippled cube in here. Now jump into the transport beam again and this time the transport beam dragsyou - through the portal - right to the cube. Get the crippled cubeand jump down to the hole in the ground. Shoot a portal through the hole to a wall down one level. Shoot the otherportal to a wall up here and take the cube with you downthere.

Now open one of the portals at the end of the transport beam and put the other portal to the ground right under the red switch on the ceiling.Throw the crippled cube you have with you into the transport beamand it will get carried towards and push down the button on the ceiling forever while you can easily escape this chamber through the exit.Test Chamber 02Look down into the deep abyss right in front of you. Down there is a lone transport beam. So you have to jump into this transport beam and put a blue portal to theend of the beam. Now you shoot the orange portal to the only white wall that can hold a portal and that you can see from here.As soon as you are on the other side of the portal turn left and look for the white portable wallthere. Put the orange portal onto this wall once you are directly in front of it. The transport beam will get you and move you above a small plattform.

Shoot theorange portal onto the platform and you move up to a button to press.Press the button and the Weighted Companion Cube will fall down. Catch it with the transport beam and have it move towards the small platform and use the transportbeam through the orange portal on the floor of the small platform again to move it up to you. So you are moving the Cube in the same way that you made your own way up here.Grab the cube out of the beam as it moves by and put it under the red switch in the ceiling. Now allyou have to do is move the cube towards the red switch with another orange portal directly under it so that the transport beam reaches the cube and presses itagainst the switch on the ceiling. The bridge to the exit appears and you can escape to the elevator.Test Chamber 03And again it's all about the transport beams. So shoot the blue portal to the end of the transport beam and the orange portal to the part of the wall to theright of the exit. This creates a bridge you can use to reach the push button on the other side of the gap.But if you push the button now the cube just falls into the endless void of the aperturescience depths.

So shoot the orange portal real close to you to the wall on the left and push the button. The cube should fall into the transport beam andmoves to the right. Once the cube reached the wall shoot the orange portal to the white wallbehind the cube so that the cube moves towards you and you can grab the cube.

But how do you get back now?It's quite easy, just shoot the orange portal to the left of the grey wall with the light blue circles on it. Get the cube and walk onto the catapult and whileyou are moving nicely along the corner of the abyss just jump back into the huge room you came from.Here you put the cube onto the checkered area close to the edge and walk towards the exit. Put the orange portal on the ground in front of it and use the transportbeam to get up onto the plattform in front of the exit. Turn around really quick and shoot the orangeportal under the cube while it is still on the checkered area. This has to happen really fast as the cube tries to walk away. Once it moves up above the checkeredarea wait until it is under the ceiling and then shoot the orange portal to the single grey plattform right above the cube dispenser in the distanceand then you can watch the defunctcube move towards the red switch on the wall and see how it opens the exit for you.

Wheatley is talking some more bull but you are gone with the elevator already.Test Chamber 04So, again shoot the orange portal to the place where the transport beam hits the wall. And place the blue portal where the turret laser hits the wall on theopposite side of the chamber to have the transport beam move the annoying turret to the abyss in the back of the chamber.After this is done (and the turret is done) shoot the blue portal to the white wall on the left over the gap to grabthe cube on the other side with the transport beam.

As soon as the transport beam got the cube, step on the big red switch on the ground to turn around the direction of thetransport beam. The transport beam also changes color, but the direction is the important part here.

So the cube will move towards the portal now, but you shootanother blue portal on the wall opposing your side of the chamber, but make sure to not hit the exact opposite location or the transport beam will drag you awayfrom the switch. But you have to get down from the button anyways to make the cube come over to your side. Once the cube is close,grab it out of the beam and placeit on the red button on the ground. Then jump into the now orange transport beam and let the transport beam move you over to the other side.Once you are over the gap, get out of the beam and place a blue portal directly opposing the cube on the red switch, so that the cube gets carried away fromthe red switch on the ground.This turns the transport beam blue again and you can place a blue portal on the ground directly in front of the platform where the exit is locatedand slowly move up to the exit.Test Chamber 05A true classic. Not just because of the music, the solution is really easy once you got it. Actually you just have to have the transport beam going up from thelonely platform in the middle of the room and then use the catapult to jump into the transport beam.

Once you're caught by the beam and the transport beam tookyou to the top of the chamber you just shoot another portalto the slanted platforms opposing the exit. You will now fall down into the portal below you and just jump to the exit.And once you are there you do the same for the weighted companion cube that willcome out of the cube dispenser once you pressed the button near the exit.

Once the cube landed next to you, you just put it onto the big red switch on the ground and the exit opensup for you and you can use the elevator to reach another test chamber.Test Chamber 06Well, well, it's just getting complicated, but not difficult. Just press the button to see what happens and what path the weighted companion cube flies. Sadlythe companion cube dies when it passes through the blue energy field. Well then, shoot the blue portal to the end of the light bridge and the orange portalhigh on the wall opposite the button to be there as a barrier and stop the weighted companion cube in flight.

Once the cube landed in front of the hidden turretsand didn't burn to dust shoot an orange portal on the wall down there as a barrier between you and the turrets and then jump in the pit and get the cube. Carrythe weighted companion cube around one of these corners, so that the turrets can't hit you, shoot one portal high on the wall where you already had a portalto stop the cube in flight and the other portal to the wall right next to you and you can easily escape with the cube.Now you shoot a portal to the end of the lightbridge again and the other one to the single white platform on the wall to the right of the image of Wheatley.


Usethe catapult to shoot yourself and the cube against the lightbridge and you will stop on a metal walkway. Walk along the walkway a bit, then shoot a portal infront of the turrets to guard you with a lightbridge and after that it's finally time to use the metal walkway to walk behind the blue energy field,jump down and put the cube onto the bigred switch on the ground. And voila, the exit opens and you can even portal yourself up to the exit from behind the blue energy field. Take the elevator to get toyet another test chamber.Test Chamber 11Nobody knows why, but the next chamber is chamber 11. Wheatley tries everything to confuse you, but fear not, the solution is right here. Mabye hewants you to finish faster so he is done with you faster.At first we want to get the crippled cube. Shoot a blue portal to the end of the transport beam and an orange portal directly onto the single plattform on theground right in the middle of the room right there when entering the room.

Jump into the beam and once you are high up with the transport beam shoot the blueportal onto the slanted plattform with the lightblue circles on it right next to you and the beam. You get thrown right to the broken cube.Pick up the broken cube and jump down into the ditch to the laserbeam and put the broken cube into the laserbeam. The transport beam will stop working. Nowportal up out of the ditch and put a portal onto the slanted platform above the laser emitting pod we just blocked with the crippled cube and the other portal ontothe slanted wall we already used right next to the entrance to this room. Now use the catapult right next to the entrance and after the catapult threw youall across the chamber you will find yourself next to a mirror cube, and this is just what you need right now.Of course you take the mirror cube with you. Put it into the laser beam so that the beam is reflected straight into the wall down there. Take the broken cube fromdown there with you and leave the ditch through some portals.

Portal Test Chamber 15 Advanced

Put the broken cube right onto the single plattform on the ground in the middle of the room and leaveit for a while.To the left of the slanted wall with the lightblue circles on it is another laser pod that just waits for the laser to come in, so put a portal on the shortwall opposing the laserpod and another portal down in the ditch right where the reflected laser beam hits the wall. Now the laser beam should hit the pod in the wall andone step of the stairs leading to the exit will come down to you. Stand on this elevator step left to the pod you just hit with the laser beam and shoot oneof the portals to the wall behind you so that the laser beam does no longer hit the laser pod and so the elevator will go back up with you on it. From up hereyou can see into the ditch, so shoot the other portal under the mirror cube to make it move out of the way of the laser beam. Once the laser beam hits the laserpod in the ditch again the transport beam will start working again. So shoot one portal right where the transport beam hits the ground and the other portal ontothe single plattform on the ground where the broken cube is.

This moves the broken cube up and once it hits the red switch on the ceiling the other step will comedown behind you. Step on it and remove one of the portals to make the cube fall down again and the step moves up again and you can proceed to the exit.Test Chamber 12All important white walls in this chamber have some smaller tileing on them.

So shoot the blue portal there where the laser hits the wall for a start. The orangeportal goes to the tiled wall to the right of the exit in the same height as the exit. The laser beam will now hit the lower laser pod on the wall on the other site of thehole in the ground and the small plattform will start moving. Once the moving plattform is all the way on the left stop it by placing the orange portal on thewhite wall to the left of the moving plattform.

Another portal on your side of the hole and you can jump over onto the moving plattform (that doesn't move at themoment). Now you shoot the blue portal again where the laser ends and the orange portal on the tiled wallpice on the right of the exit. Let the plattform with youon it move until it is halfway through the laser barrier, then shoot the orange portal to the tiled wallpice right above the one where the portal was just now.This stops the moving plattform and also disables the laser barrier. You can now walk to the other side of the laser barrier and then shoot another orange portalto the lower tiled wall and make the platform move again. Once the moving plattform reaches the other end jump down onto the solid plattform.Here you wait, until the moving plattform reaches the other end again, then you shoot a portal right above the plattform where you just jumped onto the movingplattform from. Now press the button and a mirror cube will fall down from the cube dispenser and onto the movable plattform. Shoot another portal right where youare and you can jump onto the movable plattform again, but this time you are there with the mirror cube.

Now you move the plattform and the cube to the other side of the laser barrier just like youdid before and once you are on the other side of the laser barrier you shoot the portal on the white wall on the left and above from the exit so that thelaser beam now comes at you, standing on the platform. Use the mirror cubeto aim the laser beam at the last remaining pod at the other side of the gap to open the exit and then jump down onto the solid plattform again. To get to theother side again you need some more portal action and once you replace one portal the exit closes again, but hey, the mirror cube doesn't move, so just jump through the portal that is already pointingtowards the mirror cube and then again shoot the other portal to where the laser hits the wall.

This finally opens the exit again and you are on the right side of thegap.Here you have to use a transport beam to directly enter the next chamber.Test Chamber 15Oh, there is no exit to test chamber 15! But Wheatley creates an exit for us. And if you look really close you can see a robot running out of the exit. This is probablyP-Body searching for an exit. But this isnot what it's all about, we have to reach the exit first.Move towards the push button in front of the abyss and press it. A broken cube comes down but stops somewhere above you. But this doesn't matter, just turn aroundand step on the big red switch on the ground to make the transport beam appear.

A blue portal on the ceiling above the transport beam and an orange portal onthe wall to the left of the transport beam makes the cube move and it moves towards the abyss. Once it reached the end at the wall shoot the orange portal rightunder the broken cube and the cube will now move towards you. But don't step off the switch in the ground too early, as this keeps the transport beam alive.So shoot a portal through the hole in the glass wall in the one edge and another portal to the wall right next to it and carry the cube through the portals andput it onto the second big red switch on the ground behind the glass wall and then leave this small room just like you came in. Step on the first red switchon the ground againto turn on the transport beam and make the orange gel move towards the ramp. As soon as a whole lava lamp full of orange gel is above the ramp step off thebig red switch and gel will splat down and the whole way from the wall to the ramp should be covered in orange gel.

If not, just repeat what you just did until everything is covered inorange gel.Now we need the cube again, so get a new one or grab the old one, doesn't matter, but grabbing the old one is faster, and then put it onto the big red switchin the ground out here to turn on the transport beam forever. Walk past the ramp on the left side and shoot a portal into the middle of the wall to the right,right behind the blue energy wall and another portal to the ceiling above the transport beam.

So the transport beam is now going all across the hall over thereand you can use the orange gel to get enough speed to jump over the ramp right into the transport beam that will bring you towards the exit. Wheatley tells another bad jokeand then we can go already.There is no use in jumping into the transport beam directly and let it drag you all across the gap over there as the blue energy barrier deletes all portals.and this is not good.Test Chamber 16An attack! But with 2 portals you are over the gap and inside the mean chamber in no time.It's not that hard. Put one portal on the ground and another portal above the abyss under the gel dispenser and get over there. Once you are on the other sideof the abyss you put the blue portal to the wall at the end of the transport beam and the orange portal to the wall under the gel dispenser so that the transportbeam shines across the abyss. Now press the button here.

The blue gel drips into the transport beam. As soon as some blue gel is next to you and the button, shootone portal somewhere else and the blue gel will drip onto the ground next to you. Now you rebuild what you just had with the transport beam shining across the abyss.The next task requires you to be fast, so press the button and then use the blue gel next to you to jump into the transport beam. You should be ahead of the bluegel.

So move across the abyss inside the transport beam, the turrets (hopefully) won't hit you,then jump out of the transport beam and step onto the big red switch on the ground.The transport beam now moves backwards because it is orange. Wait until the blue gel is through the orange portal and moves towards the origin of the transportbeam. While standing on the red button you can see a small piece of white wall to the left of the turrets above them.

You shoot the orange portal there and hopethat this was the right color and the transport beam is coming out of this orange portal now. Step off of the big red switch and the blue gel now moves away from theorigin of the transport beam again and towards the three turrets. As soon as the gel is above the turrets you shoot one portal somewhere else and the gel willsplat on the turrets and the turrets will jump around like crazy and then disappear.Now you can walk behind the bulletproof wall and press the button there. A slanted wall appears. Now make the transport beam come out of one of the ground tilesand jump into the beam and let it carry you up to the ceiling. Now look down and look for the color of the portal below you, the portal with the other color nowgoes onto the slanted wall.

You will jump directly to the exit!Test Chamber 17Here Wheatley prepared a nice trap for you, but you have to use the catapult anyways. This will bring you to a single plattform surrounded by even moremean spiked plattforms ready to smash you and this is where the next and last chapter starts.

Besides having a really amazing single player story, the co-op mode in Portal 2 is what keeps you going back. It can be all about killing your partner in the most treacherous ways, or finding the sweet momentum of teamwork. Either way, being one of those funny robots is always worth it. This is even more so when taking into account the huge amount of user-made maps focused on cooperative gameplay. Nonetheless, if you don’t want to play a story you already know and you’d rather still play alone, is the Portal 2 mod for you.With this very popular mod, instead of being a robot and messing around with a friend, you are Chell twice. In addition to having the portal device, you also get to use a time machine in order to solve rooms and be a perfectly efficient test subject.

Test Chamber 15 Portal Secret Room

By pressing a button on said time machine (which looks pretty much like a tablet), you record your actions. Pressing another button will then trigger the creation of a twin Chell, who repeats everything you did. This way, you can do the rest of the work and become your best teammate.Undoubtedly, there’s a whole new level of strategy behind this mechanic. While playing Portal 2 with a friend would require real-time decisions and actions, Thinking with Time Machine requires planning and perfect timing so the interactions with your twin are actually successful.Even though it lacks a bit of portal action, since it’s mainly focused on time travelling, Thinking with time machine does add a new twist to Portal 2’s gameplay.


Additionally, it’s a great opportunity to check out how far a mod can change its own base game with a little bit of innovation. By the way, if everything above isn’t enough, there’s a lot of custom content: the time-machine pad, textures, and even an improved Chell model which allows players to see their own feet. That’s a huge detail and any Portal 2 fan will agree. Portal 2 is an underground adventure and even though every level is beautifully designed, sometimes you may have wondered how deep those labs actually were, and what Aperture looked like to the people in the non-test environments. Well, Above Aperture, a, is based on that idea. As Chell, you take a trip to unknown parts of the Aperture Center from which you can see the sky.I know it may not sound like a really big deal, but being able to see the sky while trying to figure out the puzzles in Portal 2 does feel a lot more like freedom. Don’t get me wrong, the whole underground facilities setting was extremely necessary in the story, but sometimes it got a bit too damp and dark.

Portal 2 Chapter 3 Test Chamber 15

Definitely spirit crushing. In this custom-made extension, Chell gets to visit what looks a lot like an abandoned city, with open sky levels and outdoor transitions between tests. Even if it’s still Portal 2, it feels like a lot more. Besides cosmetic changes, Above Aperture does include pretty hard levels, which keep the Portal 2 spirit high and alive.All in all, Above Aperture is a risky effort.

Taking a beloved world and completely changing its setting could have angered many Portal 2 fans. Nonetheless, it’s a great option for players who are actually willing to keep being a test subject.

Additionally, this mod also includes custom textures, models and even music, which definitely become better with every new release.The best part of Above Aperture is that it doesn’t seem to be over. Its latest part was updated on December 14, 2014, which means we can still hope for more episodes in 2015. One of the great things about Portal 2 was how even though its levels were apart, and the game had numerous loading screens, it all felt part of one big thing. And this doesn’t only include the Aperture facilities; making the game’s events feel like one big story is a work of art, mostly supported by GLaDOS and Wheatley. Achieving all of this without such memorable characters is as hard as anyone would imagine.Going back to Portal 2 and facing a lack of a proper story and individual maps with unproven quality isn’t as charming as the game’s devs may have thought. Luckily, there are mods such as Dilapidation.

This is definitely a product of love.In Dilapidation, players are now an unnamed test subject who awakens in a dilapidated Aperture facility, right next to the remains of a stasis chamber. Once again the objective is to escape, and the only way to achieve this is by being a successful tester. The great thing about this series of mods is that it feels like one big thing, it has a tangible continuity. As players progress and move between test chambers, the already ruined testing facilities keep deteriorating. It’s a really great way to keep things spicy, especially when parts of the wreckage become essential objects in the next testing room.Besides all of the above, there’s yet another piece of great news about Dilapidation: it has a second series of three episodes in an additional mod called. As a direct sequel to Dilapidation, players will now have to keep their progress towards salvation while Aperture facilities are being reconstructed after GLaDOS becomes functional once again.

Among the incredible amount of mods available for Portal 2, it was only a matter of time before users became aware of how the game’s mechanics could be turned into something completely different. Collective imagination should never be understated, especially over the internet. Is an incredibly fun example of how Portal 2 can be changed into something else.This mod, as may have been guessed from its name, is a series of 3 maps (Gelocity 1, 2 and 3) which, instead of being puzzles, are huge racing tracks covered with the different experimental gels from Portal 2 (especially the propulsion gel, for obvious reasons). Each one of these mods allow racing against a friend along intricate and really fun circuits. Of course, portals aren’t completely out of the picture: each track has its own set of tricks that require portals to be used in a rush and with considerable accuracy. Additionally, portals can also be used to deviate and even kill your competitor.If you’d like a more individual kind of challenge, Gelocity also has its own time trial tracks, designed for solo racing and beating your own record.

This is a very ambitious project which plans to recreate the whole original Portal game using Portal 2’s much more versatile and improved version of the Source engine. Will not only allow new players to enjoy the first Portal, but also let long-time fans have a completely new approach to their beloved masterpiece.The big highlight concerning this mod is the following impressive quote by Jeep Barnett, a software designer for Valve:“I’m often nit-picky, but even with my intimate familiarity of Portal I can see that nothing has been overlooked. Every tile on every panel has been revisited with loving detail. Not only have the visuals been updated to match Portal 2, but the weaker puzzle cues have been improved.

How can the answer be improved? Dec 22, 2016  Safe to upgrade Frostfall directly. Just uninstall the previous version, and install the new version. Oct 22, 2016  Skyrim Remastered GET the BEST START - Special Edition (Weapons, Armor, Level FAST & Secrets) Part 1 - Duration: 33:42. ESO - Fallout & Elder Scrolls Guides 2,067,668 views 33:42. Dec 22, 2016  Frostfall is a survival-style mod that adds cold weather survival gameplay elements to Skyrim. Requirements This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game. Skyrim special edition frostfall. Frostfall is a cold weather gameplay immersion mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The three main components of Frostfall are Hypothermia, Cold Water Survival, and Camping. The primary objective of this mod is to add a deep, immersive level of gameplay to Skyrim, while keeping tedium to a minimum.

I’m really looking forward to what they’ll do with the Behind the Scenes areas.”. This mod tells a completely different story focused on a test subject named Mel. Just like Chell, Mel is supposed to survive by completing tests and will even have a completely new personality core as a companion. The events in this mod are said to be set between Portal and Portal 2.Besides looking completely gorgeous, is also set to have a huge narrative component. Just take a look at the trailer: Is that Aperture during its prime time? Are we going to live its downfall?

These questions should be enough to make any Portal 2 fan shriek out in excitement. Let’s just hope it gets released this year.There are countless Portal 2 mods in Steam’s workshop and tons more being made as this text is being written. This feature offers but a small selection of some mods which have become popular enough to stand out. Nonetheless, it’s far from being an exhaustive list and I definitely encourage diving deep into whatever new and old options are available.

Even if it sounds corny, imagination has no real limit and there are literally thousands of reasons to go back to Portal 2. One of the more unique aspects introduced in Portal 2 was the colored gels that let you paint different areas of a room to various effects, like increasing or decreasing your momentum.

If the gels were your favorite part of Portal, well you’re in luck, because there’s a mod totally dedicated to using them.exclusively uses a new item called the Aperture Science Paint Gun Device, and you can probably guess what it does. Let’s you paint the room at will. There are 27 original maps to solve with a brand new campaign and character, and you’ll even have access to an in-game level editor.Aperture Tag is a unique twist on the Portal 2 formula, and its focus on gels within well thought out maps is sure to be a nice change of pace for any fan. Is a relatively new mod to Portal 2 that just recently entered early access, but it’s one that has a pretty fascinating premise. The mod gives you not just the Portal gun, but another gun to play around with as well, in a series of new puzzles built around swapping between them.The new weapon is called the Warp Cannon, and it fires a bouncing green projectile that you can then instantly warp to wherever it hits. Combing this weapon with the Portal gun allows for some really interesting puzzle solutions, like shooting the Warp Cannon through a portal to get to a specific spot.Of course, keep in mind that it is in early access so there may be a few quirks and bugs to iron out.

Still, it’s an interesting enough idea to warrant a look no matter what. Portal 2 has quite a few mods that add on new stories and areas to explore based on Aperture Science. Is one of those, but its biggest differentiating factor simply boils down to its aesthetic and visual design.Eidolon is a far cry from the dilapidated test areas of the original games, filled with debris and boxy shapes. Here you see cylindrical shapes and sharp inclines, a direct contrast to what fans might be used to.Eidolon isn’t particularly long or horribly challenging, but it works as a sort of palate cleanser between jumping into really difficult scenarios and puzzles.

If you need a change of pace, definitely check this one out. Is yet another mod that significantly changes up the Portal formula. The big twist here is that Memories is an episodic series, with each episode containing a distinct setting and theme linked together by one story.These setting really mix up the look of Portal and the feel of gameplay, like having to place portals in a forest environment, or in space. The basic concept of each episode involves you starting in a hub room and then having to use portals to travel to other rooms and gather eyeballs to bring back, in order to continue on to the next episode.The episodic format makes Memories stand out from other Portal 2 mods, and the visuals and music do a good job of making each one distinct.

Like Eidolon, is a mod that’s really based around its visual design, except this time that also ties into the design and layout of actual puzzles. The mod uses non-Euclidean geometry, which essentially makes structures much bigger on the inside than they appear on the outside.This leads to some really mind-bending puzzles that require you to think outside of the box, and look at the actual geometry of the areas you’re solving puzzles in. The blocky structures in this mod are an interesting change, and the geometry puzzles can certainly be a challenge you aren’t used to. Co-op was always one of the most appealing aspects of Portal 2, and there’s no gaming experience quite like solving portal puzzles with your friend. Sets itself up as testing chambers back from the golden days of Aperture Science, chambers specifically designed for the testing duo of Atlas and P-Body.The mod description labels the five chambers in the mod as medium-hard difficulty, and for the most part they’re a tad bit more challenging than what you’d find in the main game. If you’ve been itching for some more levels to knock out with a friend, Robot Pride is a perfect mod to grab. Is yet another co-op Portal 2 mod, with four different map packs themed around unique color schemes.

These contain original and unique textures, sounds, music, and more, all in an effort to give players a visual and auditory experience.Of course being able to bring a friend along for the ride helps and oftentimes the color scheme ties directly into the theming of the puzzles as well, like with red focusing on lasers. Fans on ModDB seemed to take to Colours quite well, and each map pack can take you anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.