Torchlight 2 Gratis Download

11.09.2019by admin
Torchlight 2 Gratis Download 6,2/10 2853 reviews

Sep 23, 2012  Torchlight 2 PC download is what you get at the end of this review. Torchlight 2 Free Download. Keeping the good things from first version, some new additions and tweaks have been added. Like in old version a pet follows you providing you with an extra inventory. You can always send it.

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Community Rating: 8.3From the creators of Diablo and Fate, Runic Games presents a fresh take on action RPGs with Torchlight. The discovery of a rich vein of powerful but dangerous magic ore has turned the sleepy village of Torchlight into a thriving boomtown. Players risk their lives to explore randomly arranged dungeons in a variety of treacherous and exciting settings, learning spectacular skills and finding the most exquisite and powerful treasures. The game combines single-player and MMO gameplay, with its launch state being for a single adventurer but a further MMO function added on post-launch.

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SynergiesMOD is a modification for Torchlight II created. It’s a end game raid expansion and balance mod.Features:Towns in Synergies. Synergies adds 2 Custom made towns ( Table Mountain and Selrock ) each one of them has it's own specific vendors. Reworked difficulty settings. Synergies is built around Veteran and Elite, but the MOD itself is much harder than the Vanilla version of the game, you will notice this from the start. Random affixes on each monster that you encounter, making them unique.

Adds party request, friend request, and character info to the context menu. Guildmates - Displays character level and character name in a tooltip. Zoomy - Allows you to zoom in/out by holding LEFTALT+PLUS or LEFTALT+MINUS. Developer Console - A window that's useful for development. Tree of savior addon. Type /dev to open it.

Reworked Skill unlock Rate, they unlock at a earlier rate, but take longer to progress between points, ending at or above vanilla standards. Reworked Fame Levels, a total of 50 to unlock!. Reworked Enchantment Stats, lower stat enchants allow for end game progression and better balance. Vanilla Characters Skills have begun to be reworked to address the balance changes.